Our objective was to deliver workshops for children in the community and build awareness of ecological citizenship. At the same time, we helped local adults to develop their professional (sometimes sports) projects. The week went by so quick. The kids were bundles of energy and the adults were highly motivated. We even did a surfing session with them, thanks to a surf club in the favela. And we were able to encourage the kids to climb by the beach. It was the first time ever for them – they had just so much fun.
The favela Babilonia and Chapeu Mangueira are a wonderful world, colourful, alive, dynamic, joyful, and full of human warmth – despite the drugs cartels, corrupt police, gun shootings, fear and pain. The week ended with a unique experience for all – the sight of Pablo and Anto walking on a highline on top of the favela, a first in Rio de Janeiro. Everyone came out to watch and cheer them on, even the police. It was a magical and memorable moment.
During our time in the favela, we also climbed during our time off. On the week- end, we crammed in a night bouldering session, a multi-pitch on the Sugarloaf and some sport climbing. All of it on an insane quality rock. As a city, Rio offers a wide range of climbing.
This trip was a very fulfilling experience for me. Living on a sailboat in basic con- ditions, taking a greener approach to climbing, sharing knowledge about the en- vironment with kids, helping adults to develop their own projects and spending time in the favela with people who have very little. All of that was very inspiring. Huge thanks to Maewan and my sponsors, without whom it wouldn’t have been possible – Edelrid, Looking for Wild, Tenaya, and Planetgrimpe