Climate protection

Climate protection regulation

Our climate protection policy is the centerpiece of our climate protection activities. It shows how we use various structures and control elements to properly address the issue of climate protection within the company:

  • Climate protection management
  • Setting climate targets
  • Monitoring and managing emissions
  • Concrete climate protection measures
  • Transparent reporting

Climate targets

Climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our time and requires immediate, effective action at global level. EDELRID is leading by example and setting ambitious, knowledge-based climate targets in line with the Paris Climate Agreement.

We are guided by the basic principles of ambition, reality, measurability, and traceability in order to clearly define our targets. And what is our primary target? To help limit global warming to a maximum of 1.5 degrees Celsius! This is based on the latest scientific findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

EDELRID is committed to consistently implementing these science-based climate targets. To ensure that we are on the right track, our progress is reviewed and validated by an independent organization—the Science Based Targets Initiative.

Climate protection measures

We are aware that EDELRID is a manufacturing company and causes greenhouse gases (GHG) with all of its activities. In order to achieve our climate targets, we have committed ourselves to the mitigation hierarchy ‘avoid, reduce, offset’. We develop carefully conceived climate protection measures that are set out in a decarbonization roadmap.

We use a materiality analysis to identify the hotspots of our emissions, taking a close look at where the emissions come from and where there are opportunities for improvement—technologically, economically, and politically. This enables us to identify the challenges and opportunities for targeted decarbonization. We then draw up specific reduction plans and paths for the priority fields of action.

To keep our finger on the pulse and position ourselves to react quickly to changes, we have committed to carrying out a materiality analysis every three years. Our first analysis in 2020 has already identified important fields of action, which we are now working on continuously!

The following fields of action and interim targets have been identified for Scope 1 and 2, for example:

  • Use of 100% green electricity at EDELRID’s own sites
  • Conversion of the vehicle fleet to alternative drive types (e.g. electric or hydrogen)

What do Scope 1, 2 and 3 mean?

The Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol is a globally recognized standard for calculating and reporting greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. It provides a clear methodology for systematically recording and transparently communicating emissions. Emissions are divided into three scopes.

Scope 1
Emissions that are assigned to Scope 1 are caused directly by the company. A distinction is made between emissions from stationary systems (e.g. heating, coolant leaks) and mobile systems (company vehicle fleet).

Source: WRI/WBCSD Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Accounting and Reporting Standard (PDF), page 5.

Scope 2
Emissions in this group are not generated directly by the company, but the end product is consumed by the company. A good example of Scope 2 emissions is electricity purchased from the energy supplier.

Scope 3
The third scope comprises all indirect emissions that a company generates along its upstream and downstream value chain.

In a manufacturing company, such as EDELRID, the Scope 3 emissions are often the largest. This is also the case for us.

Climate report 2023

To make our developments visible, we report on facts and figures in our climate report. To do this, it is important to compare the current figures with a starting point. The year 2020 serves as the basis for the emissions comparison and our climate targets. This is because that was the year in which we comprehensively recorded our emissions for the first time. 

With the help of the base year, we can analyze trends in our emissions and adjust our climate protection strategy to set ourselves ambitious yet realistic targets.

So far, we have limited ourselves to setting Scope 1 and 2 targets, as we are still completing the collection of our Scope 3 data. We are aware of the importance of Scope 3 emissions and are working to close the data gaps. As soon as we have enough information, we will also define Scope 3 reduction targets with reference to a meaningful base year. 

Results from the climate report 2023:

*compared to the base year 2020

Carbon Offset payments & climate neutrality

Climate neutrality means reducing greenhouse gas emissions caused by human activity to zero. This target often includes making carbon offset payments. At EDELRID, we see it as our responsibility to actively combat climate change and instead prefer to focus on direct measures for reducing emissions.

Offsetting measures entail risks that we want to avoid. Our aim is to bring about real progress and positive change. If emissions cannot be avoided or reduced, we reserve the right to make carbon offset payments for Gold Standard projects as well as to support educational projects.

We are aware that we are unable to offset our GHG emissions through (regional) climate protection projects, but still regard them as a targeted opportunity to promote climate protection.

This holistic approach should help us achieve a more sustainable future in the long term and support the 1.5-degree target of the Paris Climate Agreement.