High End for Water, Ground, Air

Lines in Motion

Our Lines Move

And in two ways: physically and emotionally. Movement happens where our products are used!Our industry segment is primarily aimed at companies that need a strong partner to supply textile braids for industrial applications. The products range from lines for paragliders and parachutes through to technical lines for the automotive industry.


The processing of the highest quality materials also enables a wide range of applications in the field of pull cords for various drive technologies such as gate systems and high-speed doors. 

But that's not all. In our hardware range, manufacturers of paragliders and parachutes can find ultra-lightweight carabiners and innovative buckles, which we have developed especially for the requirements of air sports.

Lines—Made in Germany

All of our lines are made in our in-house rope and line braiding shop at our head office in the Allgäu region of Germany. Here, we combine 160 years of crafting tradition with care, product knowledge, and research to create responsible, innovative, high-performance products that are globally renowned for their quality, safety, and optimum handling.

Individual customer solutions: 

Are you looking for a competent partner for creating unique product solutions? No problem. We will be happy to assist you. Find out more here.

Water sports

Blue wet, golden sand, the ideal wind speed and EDELRID kite lines: a perfect combination for speed, excellent handling and a perfect day on the water. Our kite lines represent a combination of our accumulated knowledge from years of experience in the art of braiding with the best possible materials for maximum performance. Of course, all of our kite lines are also produced at our production facility in the Allgäu region of Germany.

Industrial applications

Top-quality textile braids paired with in-depth knowledge and the highest, relevant quality seals. We are a competent partner when it comes to ropes, cords and lines in all industrial applications. At our in-house production facilities, we can provide a wide variety of extras to cater to your needs: abrasion resistance refinements, additional plastic applications, stitching or the finishing of our materials.


For decades, we have been a dependable supplier of quality products for the automotive industry. The best production standards, certifications and a high level of product consistency are part of the toolset we use every day. Our technical braids, which are wholly manufactured at our headquarters in Isny im Allgäu, represent precision, innovation, and safety.

Which materials are used?

Dyneema®, HDPE

Our lines made from Dyneema®/ HDPE (high-density polyethylene) feature a very good mix of high strength with a small cross-section. The lines' low density means they are also very light, hydrophobic and even buoyant.

Technora®, Aramid

Our aramid lines impress with their exceptional length stability and excellent durability. In addition, lines made of this material have a very high strength cross-section and are ideal for uses involving exposure to high temperatures.


Our polyamide lines are made from high-quality polyamide. These offer a beautiful and definable elongation while providing very good damping combined with robust strength.


Polyester lines do not fail to impress with their excellent abrasion resistance and strength, coupled with a competitive price point. They are highly UV resistant and exceptionally durable.


From ultra-light carabiners to buckles for harnesses and tandem carabiners, the hardware completes our paraglider range and features the right product for any requirement.