Perfect PPE


For a Clearer Overview and Better Organization

Our innovative RFID products—for efficiently recording and managing your personal protective equipment (PPE). The transponders are small, robust, and specially designed for use with PPE products.

How does RFID work? 

The RFID reader can be used with any end device that has a Bluetooth® interface. It is independent from the software.

  1. Connect the RFID reader to the end device. 
  2. Open the PPE management software of your choice (e.g. Excel, PSA-Audit 2.0 etc.).
  3. Select the field to which you want to read the serial number. 
  4. The RFID transponder and serial number are read automatically.

RFID Inside

EDELRID offers a range of products with integrated RFID transponders. Furthermore, all PPE products can be retrofitted with our RFID transponders. The transponders used have been specially designed for use with PPE products and are particularly small and robust. They communicate in the UHF frequency range and can be read with appropriate readers.

Request a suitable RFID reader


You can request a suitable RFID scanner from our sales partner Microsensys. The compact, pen-style RFID writer and reader is perfect for easily reading all RFID tags in the UHF range.
